High Quality & Direct Delivery - Astir ABA has a specialized service delivery model where a Behavior Analyst implements all services to clients.

This differs from most practices’ service models, where 100% of service delivery is provided by a behavior technician under a minimum of 5% supervision from a BCBA.

Our services.

  • Assessment

    Our comprehensive assessment process lays the groundwork of our services. We employ a range of methods for the in-depth initial assessment and bi-annual assessments. Assessments include consent / assent and withdrawal of consent / assent, preference assessments, behavioral assessments, skills-based assessments, environmental supports and barriers, interviews, and observations. Through a thorough understanding of each individual’s or team’s unique needs, strengths, and support needs, we gain valuable insights that inform our personalized approach to support.

  • Service Plan

    Based on the assessment outcomes, we collaboratively develop a customized service plan that outlines specific goals and objectives. This plan is designed to address the individual’s support needs and promote their overall well-being and quality of life. We emphasize a person-centered approach, ensuring that methods are consumer approved, compassionate, and aligned with the individual’s unique strengths and needs.

  • Direct & Indirect Services by BCBA

    Our direct and indirect services are provided by a neurodivergent Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) who specializes in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and is experienced in providing services in-home, school, clinic, telehealth, and community settings. Through direct service sessions, our BCBA works closely with individuals to implement the service plan, tailor sessions to their unique needs, and track progress over time. Indirect services, like data analysis and program development to name a couple, streamline program adjustments.

  • Parent Collaboration & Training

    We recognize the crucial role of parents and caregivers in the progress and well being of the individuals we serve. That’s why we offer comprehensive parent collaboration and training programs. These programs provide parents with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to effectively support their child’s behavioral needs during and outside of sessions. Our BCBA works closely with parents and caregivers, offering guidance, resources, and ongoing support to navigate challenges and create a positive and supportive home and community environment.

  • Behavior Consulting & Coaching

    We offer consultation and coaching services that provides indirect service delivery to individuals as well as teams through a consultant-consultee relationship. We utilize evidence-based strategies to gain insights of why a behavior is occurring and empower the consultee to apply strategies that incorporate change where it is needed. Incorporating a holistic approach, support systems are reviewed to achieve meaningful and lasting change.  

  • Collaboration

    Collaboration is key. It is fundamental for high quality and sustainable support. We believe in the power of collective input and actively involve team members across contexts and communities in the decision-making process. This collaborative approach promotes a sense of ownership, trust, and shared responsibility.

  • Telehealth Services are available.

Service Responsibility

Astir ABA recognizes the impact of systemic oppression on our words and actions. We are committed to actively listening to the valuable feedback from our community, acknowledging the harm that has occurred within individuals, family members, and the healthcare field. We sincerely apologize for any negative experiences within our community and are actively engaged in introspection to understand our role in oppressive systems. As part of our commitment to change, Astir ABA is a proud Patreon member supporting the ABA Task Force to Eradicate Social Injustice and actively participates in various ABA Reform groups. Our ongoing efforts are focused on fostering community connections, elevating diverse experiences and perspectives, adhering to the principles of disability justice and culture, and contributing to positive systemic change.

Astir ABA acknowledges the Land, her People, and their Relational Responsibilities as we are uninvited guests on the stolen Coast Salish and Duwamish lands. Astir ABA pays Real Rent to the Duwamish Tribal Services through monthly giving.